Sap Evaluation Geogia | Sap Evaluation(s) | Call us at 800 683 7745


Employees in safety-sensitive positions must undergo examinations by a SAP (Substance Abuse Professional), as mandated by the DOT (Department of Transportation) (DOT). DOT has legalised conducting pre-employment, post-accident, random, or reasonable suspicion, and return-to-duty drug and alcohol testing on workers with commercial driver's licences by all businesses (CDLs). Our counsellors are highly qualified and will guide you through the RTD (Return to Duty) process in accordance with the DOT's guidelines to prevent contravening its drug and alcohol policies.

Who requires a SAP Evaluation?

1. A worker who tests positive for alcohol or drugs.

2. A worker who is a CDL holder.

3. In order to start working or to keep working, an employee must undergo a substance abuse evaluation.

DOT-SAP Evaluation Georgia involves two steps:

1. A face-to-face clinical interview and assessment are part of the first stage of the SAP evaluation. Whether an issue with substance misuse exists or not, and if it does, what amount of therapy is required.

• The addition of a referral for education or drug or alcohol addiction therapy (as determined by our SAP)

• Ongoing observation of the employee while they are receiving treatment.

2. The follow-up SAP evaluation consists of the following: • Follow-up session, which enables SAP to assess whether the treatment was successful and to issue a "Notice of Compliance" or "Notice of Noncompliance" based on the employee's performance during the course of the programme.

• Suggestions for additional study or medical care (if needed)

• Advice for post-treatment (as deemed necessary)

• Report in writing to DER (Designated Employer Representative)

The employer can order the execution of a Return to Duty test if he is satisfied with the report. should yield a bad outcome in order to convince you to reconsider; nevertheless, if it does, you until you are found fit, you must go through the assessment and follow the programme repeatedly.


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