DOT SAP Providers | DOT Qualified SAP near me 30067 | SAP Evaluation
The Substance Abuse Program (SAP) is a program that provides evaluation, treatment and case management for people who have an addiction to alcohol or drugs. It is mandated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) for all employees in safety-sensitive positions. The SAP can be done either on-site or off-site.
The DOT Qualified SAP near me helps create a safe and healthy work environment by providing evaluations and treatments to those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. The program also helps with case management services.

The DOT provides a certification that is required for all drivers who transport hazardous materials. The DOT SAP Providers offers programs that include substance abuse education and treatment, as well as training on how to identify the signs of alcohol and drug impairment.
The Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAP) program is a federal grant program that provides funds for States to provide substance abuse services to individuals, families, and communities. The Department of Transportation (DOT) has developed the SAP Program guidelines in consultation with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
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