30067 | DOT Qualified SAP near me & Dot Sap near me | Sap Evaluation(s)

 For those with drug abuse issues, The Substance Abuse Program (SAP) is a therapy option based on scientific research. There are individual and group counseling sessions included in the SAP, which is an optional out-patient program. (Dot Sap Near me) The SAP provides transitional living assistance for people who require them, but it is not a residential treatment program.

According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine, addiction is a persistent neurological condition. It is characterized by obsessive drug seeking and usage, even when doing so has a negative impact on one’s physical health, social connections, or legal standing. (DOT Qualified SAP near me) Those who begin using drugs at a young age and those with a family history of addiction are more at risk for becoming addicted.


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