Substance Abuse Professional & Evaluation 30067 | Call us at 800 683 7745

 When a required SAP Evaluation Department of Transportation (DOT) drug and alcohol test is negative or failed, it can be difficult for both people and businesses. Employees will have to be removed from safety-related duties, which may result in a staffing shortage for firms. Employees must follow a procedure established by the Department of Transportation after failing a test before they can resume work linked to safety. All employers to whom the DOT has granted authority are required to abide by federal law. Performing a SAP (Substance Abuse Professional) Evaluation is the first step in the reinstatement process.

Additionally, suggestions on how to check on your development as you carry out the plan will be given to the employer. Finally, you will have a face-to-face follow-up evaluation with your evaluator after the course of treatment. This enables the drug addiction specialist to decide whether you are actually qualified for return to duty status. As part of the healing process, the employer is now required to conduct its own drug tests. The company may reinstate the employee to a position involving safety if the test is negative (Substance Abuse Evaluation).


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