DOT Qualified SAP near me | SAP Evaluation starts at $255
The DOT Qualified SAP is a program that provide substance abuse treatment and counseling services in an environment that is regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT). The DOT Qualified Substance Abuse Professional is not only qualified to work with clients who are in need of substance abuse treatment, but they are also qualified to work with clients who have been arrested for driving under the influence.

The DOT Qualified SAP near me is the program who will be responsible for making sure that the organization and its employees are compliant with the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. The DOT requires all organizations to have a DOT. The DOT oversees drug and alcohol testing, including pre-employment, random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, return to duty and follow-up testing for employees who are required to be tested by the DOT. They also oversee alcohol breath testing for non-DOT regulated employers.
The SAP Evaluation is a psycho-educational evaluation that evaluates the client’s substance use and abuse patterns. It also assesses the client’s psychiatric and medical conditions, as well as their social and occupational functioning (SAP Evaluation near me).
The SAP Evaluation starts at $255. The evaluation includes a comprehensive medical evaluation, urinalysis and drug testing, as well as a psychological evaluation. This is the cost of the initial evaluation for individuals who are seeking treatment for substance abuse. Substance abuse evaluation is a process that is done to assess the severity of substance abuse. It evaluates the patient’s present condition, past history and future risk. It is an important step in the recovery process. The evaluation will help determine if the patient needs treatment or if they can be discharged home and monitored by family members or friends.
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